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bulgariacollageA team from Elevated to Excellence is planning to go to Starra Zagora, Bulgaria to minister to women at a Conference there. The E2E Team is will gone from April 1 – 13, 2013.

We will be helping with a National Women’s Conference, teaching, praying and serving the women attending. We will also be doing work in villages with the Gipsy’s in the surrounding areas.

For many years Bulgarians suffered under communism and now the change to capitalism has been a difficult one. Since 1989 Bulgaria’s economic difficulties have led over 1,000,000 Bulgarians, including many qualified professionals to leave the country. They are so grateful that we are willing to bring a team to minister to the people there, and do any training that we can.

We will be looking to gather some small gifts to bring to the women there. However, one of the main ways our team can use support is in prayer. Christina, is the only one of the team who has ever been on an international missions trip like this, so we are asking for prayer support for our team as well for the ministry in Bulgaria.

We also have financial needs for this trip, the total cost is $2,500 per person which includes airfares, accommodation, insurance and food. If you are able to make a gift towards this you can make a tax-deductible donation to Elevated to Excellence with Bulgaria team on the check or go online at http://www.elevatedtoexcellence.com click donate and put Bulgaria in the description.

Thank you so much for your support of Elevated to Excellence, we are so grateful for anything you could do towards this missions opportunity.

Bless you,
The Elevated to Excellence Team